New Chapter?
Crises and losses — The nightmare I’ve been dreading has finally come true, I’ve been trying so hard for so long, too long until the bridge I’m crossing has become too fragile and plunged me into a very deep abyss. It was very painful and suffocating, one of the worst in 24 years.
Accepting — In that abyss I healed the wound as soon as possible, this wound must be healed immediately so that I can explore other destinations in a more appropriate way. There are no eternal failures, there will be good things that come, there is a purpose behind all events, maybe this phase is the path that I have to go through to become a better human being, also maybe it’s the universe’s way to prevent me from experiencing much worse things. Failure is a normal thing, every human being will go through their worst phase, we don’t go through this alone. Human efforts are not always successful, but we can always choose what is the next step, want to go to a brighter path or return to the vicious circle?
Nothing to lose anymore— Because I have fallen into the worst phase, I don’t think anything else can be more painful than this, I have become stronger and more resilient. Because I am no longer tied to the targets that were previously set, my space is really wide, I can change the direction of life like writing a new chapter in the series and make the timeline more flexible. In this new chapter I was able to get rid of many things that were in the previous chapter, from here the story can be completely different and new. You know One Piece? There is a Timeskip moment in this series, a moment when luffy disappeared to train himself for 2 years after losing his Brother and Crew with the aim to become stronger and be able to prevent bad things happen again.
Refocusing —This is a new journey with a wider space and a more flexible timeline, so I can try to reconstruct what I want to focus on, what things in myself I want to level up, and keep away all distractions that could potentially interfere my focus, so at the end of this chapter I can be a much better person, hopefully.
Awakening — Like Luffy who disappeared for 2 years to train himself, he came with a new ability called Haki, before disappearing he was powerless against Pacifista, now he only needs 1 hit to defeat him. In the real world there are many types of Awakening, such as spiritual, emotional, intelligence, physical, and so on. Crisis can push our willpower 1000 times more than before. The pain, regret, and disappointment is really unbelievable, many things can be raised in this phase, every person will try to do whatever it takes to prevent them from falling into this crisis again.
New chapter, welcome!